Through the course of the Working to Institutionalize Sex Education (WISE) Initiative, the "WISE Method," an iterative, dynamic approach to implementing sexual health education, emerged from the experience of the organizations participating in WISE (whom we call WISE Partners). Informal sharing of successes, resources and tools led to the creation of this toolkit, which documents the WISE Method and can be utilized by a larger community of practitioners.
The WISE Method is most relevant for state-based or regional nonprofits or agencies who work with school districts to implement sex ed. Large school districts will also find it useful when the district has a centralized health education program and the district staff work with individual buildings on sex education implementation. Small districts or individual schools can also use the toolkit directly, but will likely modify and shorten the "Scan" phase.
The toolkit was developed by Learning For Action, the national evaluators for WISE, in partnership with the WISE funders, partners, and advisors. It is practice-based and does not aim to include every possible resource related to sex education. Rather, it includes tools and practices successfully utilized by the WISE Partners.