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Sex Education Resources

Here you can find relevant research as well as tools, templates and sample documents for each phase of the toolkit.  

Displaying 4 resources by ETR

Making Adaptations to Evidence-Based Pregnancy and STD/HIV Prevention Programs


ETR offers adaptation kits which contain practical tools and resources to guide adolescent reproductive health practitioners in making effective adaptations and maintaining fidelity to program core components. The adaptation kits were developed to provide clarity on how each program was designed, its core components, and the types of adaptations that are considered safe and those that should be avoided.

Sample Table Showing Curriculum Mapped to Education Code


ETR Associates mapped two curricula -- Making Healthy Choices and Positive Prevention  -- to mandated HIV and CSE education codes to determine alignment between curricula and policy. This table provides an example of what mapping and alignment looks like in practice.


Sex and HIV Education Programs For Youth: Their Impact and Important Characteristics


This research summarizes sex and HIV education programs and hones in on 17 characteristics of programs that led to behavior change.


Tool to Assess the Characteristics of Effective Sex and STD/HIV Programs


Based on the Sex and HIV Education Programs for Youth: Their Impact and Important Characteristics research, this tool is designed to assess, select, improve, or design a sex or STD/HIV education program.
