Step 3: Communicate the Sex Education Institutionalization Plan
- School district leadership are aware of and promote sex education institutionalization
- Teachers understand their roles and responsibilities for sex education institutionalization
Now it is time to promote and communicate the school district’s sex education plan to all stakeholders affected by sex education. This ensures they are clear regarding the district’s sex education goals, the institutionalization plan, and the supporting documents (e.g., policies and regulations), as well as their roles and responsibilities. There is often a lot of misconception about what is (and is not) allowed in terms of sex education instruction and the purpose of this step is to provide a refresher on information that hasn’t changed as well as an update on how sex education is changing in the school district and the implications at the classroom-, school-, and school district-level.
Create clear, tailored communications to key stakeholders.
School district leadership and teachers may harbor fear or confusion about what sex education policies allow. Ultimately, confusion about sex education policy may result in teachers being overly cautious and opting out of critical elements of curricula. Formal policies and procedures need to be translated into practical messages, otherwise they can be ignored or forgotten. Once stakeholders understand the rationale, policy, and procedures, their comfort with and dedication to sex education implementation will increase.
Parents are an important constituent group to keep in the loop. Don’t forget to determine how best to engage parents to update them on the school district’s commitment to sex education and give them a “heads up” about what sex education students will be receiving at school.